First off, I want to thank Jim for the Mountain Dew and doughnuts... they were delicious! I really enjoyed the lecture today because yes, it pertained to teaching. But it really felt like a few helpful hints to live one's life to the fullest.
I enjoyed the part about traveling, because I love to travel! I am studying abroad in Spain spring semester of 2010, and I can't wait. When you travel, you learn so much about different parts of the world, the people, and you learn about yourself! Traveling is just a great experience, and I think people should do it more often.
I also enjoyed the part about having a little mouth, and bigger ears. I like to think of myself as more of an active listener. I may not always say what's on my mind, but I am usually thinking a lot, especially in class.
The lecture was fun, and a nice way to end the semester. I really enjoyed Ed Psych; it was definitely my favorite class this semester. It's just hard to believe that finals are approaching!